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Blue Water

Municipal Updates

HBM is evaluating the need to possibly change its Ward Boundaries.  Please
CLICK HERE for background on this important issue and be sure to return the survey included in your tax statement or vote online at

Municipal Election

Your HBM Township Municipal Council

Here are the candidates who you elected in 2022 to represent your interests as a waterfront owner on Council.  

Mayor: Jim Martin

Deputy Mayor: Hart Webb

Councillor at Large:  Kathy Clement
Township Ward Councillor: Jerry Doherty
Village Ward: Beverly Flagler
For additional information, visit the HMB Township Municipal site

Here's a reminder of how the candidates responded during the election campaign when asked about waterfront owner concerns.

The Council has tabled the 2024 Budget.

If you want to see where Council feels your tax dollars should go, take a look and share your feedback with them.

LKRA was instrumental in lobbying HBM Council for a Road Grant line item that was included in the 2023 budget. Here is a copy of the request to Council. The grant was approved and the Road Association on FR75 took advantage of the grant to assist in the repairs to a damaged culvert. The grant continues for the 2024 budget.

HBM Township Fireworks By-law  


For centuries, fireworks have been used to celebrate major holidays and events. However, as our environment and the lake become increasingly vulnerable, we now must reconsider how and when we use them. Why?

  • We now know that fireworks cause extensive air pollution in a short amount of time. 

  • Harmful metals are released that can also contaminate soil and lake water and have negative, long-lasting effects. 

  • Then there are the animals:  take dogs for instance. Dogs are able to hear up to 60,000hz, while humans can’t hear anything above 20,000hz. This auditory acuity of dogs is one of the reasons the sound of fireworks can be so harmful to them. Many suffer from overwhelming anxiety when they are unable to escape from the sound. Other wildlife suffers as well, especially our vulnerable loons!

The Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen has passed a new Fireworks By-law.  All residents should carefully familiarize themselves with the regulations pertaining to when, how, and what is required if you are planning a consumer recreational firework display. For starters, you MUST now obtain a permit from the Fire Chief or designate prior to holding a fireworks display and prove that your intended display meets all By-law regulations. 


In 2023 displays will only be allowed on: 

  • New Year’s Eve Dec. 31, 2023, from 7 p.m. - Jan 1, 2024, 1 a.m. 

  • Victoria Day (May 20,21, 22), Civic Holiday (Aug 5,6, 7) and Labour Day (Sept 2, 3, 4) from 7-11 p.m. 

  • Canada Day from 7-11 p.m. on June 24, 25, July 1, 8 or 9 


Note: No fireworks will be permitted if a Township Fire Ban is in effect. Flying lanterns continue to be prohibited at all times. 


There are also important regulations pertaining to WHERE you can hold firework displays. You are encouraged to read the new By-law carefully!  For those renting out their cottage, ensure that your tenants are aware of the regulations. As an owner, you will be held responsible for any contravention of this By-law.

For more information and permit forms visit HBM’s website:

HBM Township Garbage 


A Transfer Station Card is required before entry is permitted at the Transfer Stations. Only material generated within the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen will be accepted at the sites listed below. 

Garbage bags must each be tagged. A pack of five tags can be purchased for $6.00 from the Municipal Office in Havelock, Foodland, East End Market, and at the transfer stations.
Note:  Only credit and debit cards are accepted for payment at the 6th Line Transfer Station. Cash only is accepted at all other locations.

All garbage must be placed in CLEAR plastic bags. This mandatory program has been shown to have a positive impact on keeping recyclable materials out of landfills while helping to protect the environment. One privacy bag is accepted per clear bag.

Recycle and compost wherever possible. For more information visit:

Transfer Station Hours 
For Summer and Winter Dump Hours Click Here

Fireworks ByLaw
Garbage & Recycling Info
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