75th Anniversary Events

2023 … was the 75th Anniversary of the LKRA
It’s not every year an organization celebrates 75 years of achievement and memories. Here are just a few of the great ways the LKRA celebrated last year.
Special 75th Video Series: Take a few moments to enjoy the series of videos released celebrating 75 years of Kosh Lake people and memories. They have been created by Director/Cinematographer/Editor, Colin Field, and produced by Anne Rawson.
Commemorative 75th Anniversary Yearbook: An overview of the current work of the LKRA and in honour of the 75th, a special section featuring many stories of Early Founders.
The One and Only Chopper: An imaginative children’s short story about a very special beaver, shared by the author in celebration of our 75th. Fun reading at the cottage for kids ages 6-10. Enjoy the story!
Simple Cottage Cooking... and memories! A collection of early-day recipes and memories lovingly compiled and donated by Kosh resident, Elizabeth (Perdue) Fairley, to help us celebrate this milestone year. The 175-page book was available for just $10 a copy at the 2023 Regatta.
75th Anniversary Decal: Last year every Cottage received a special window decal with their Yearbook commemorating the LKRA 75 years of dedication to cottagers and the lake.
Founders Meet & Greet: Many of our early founding families were unable to share their stories in the Yearbook. So all founders were invited to meet with other founders and cottagers on Saturday, August 5th at the Community Hall between noon and 2:00 pm to swap stories, share pictures and look at cottage lore from the past. There was a great turn out and certificates were awarded.
75th Anniversary Party Hosted by Stoney Point Marina & the LKRA
To wrap it all up, Haley and Bryan Bates, new owners of Stoney Point Marina, combined their talents with Jami Sampson of the LKRA to throw a wonderful end-of-summer party at the Marina on Saturday, August 26, from 2 to 9 pm. The LKRA provided FREE hotdogs, veggie burgers, water, coffee & and tea, fruit drinks & freezies for kids plus other snacks. Here are some important things about the event including the great group that performed!
These special 75th Anniversary events were organized by Jami Sampson, Anne Rawson, and Jennifer Conron.